Encouraging signs 21/09/2029

It is great that we are back at long last in the pool albeit things are a bit strange with the COVID restrictions.
As all of you have been out the water for some time it was always going to be tough to get you back to where you were fitness wise before the lengthy lay off. I have to say however that the effort put in to training so far and also the level of fitness is not actually that bad at all in fact I am encouraged by the dedication you have shown so far,

It will take time to regain your top level of fitness however there is a plan in place to do so and there is no need to worry on that front ( provided you all stick to the sets). It is so nice to see all of you back and enjoying getting back in the water and as I have said on numerous occasions you are a delight to coach.

If any of you are struggling then please let myself or Susan know and we will do all we can to make life as easy as possible for you. Please remember to bring both water bottles with you as I cannot stress enough the importance of staying hydrated.

Any way that’s all for now keep training hard and you will get to where you want to be ready for competing next year.

Colin Galbraith Head coach Scorpion Swim Team

Big Thanks 12/08/2020

A big thanks to all who tuned into the two zoom meetings with Hannah Miley which hopefully gave you an insight into the mind of a three time Olympian swimmer. Also a big thanks to Susan for arranging this and also the bootcamps where we had to accept spaces for the latter on a first come basis due to COVID restrictions.
I know it has been a while since you last trained fully in the water however hopefully fingers crossed it will not be too much more of a delay before we are all back into training at Dalkeith once again.

In the meantime the exercises outlined in the first zoom meeting will help maintain a certain degree of fitness particularly with you core body strength. My advice would certainly be to do these exercises every morning or at least every second morning so when we do return to training hopefully this will help in coping with the harder training sets.

In the meantime both myself and Susan look forward to seeing those of you who were successful in getting a place at the boot camp sessions.

Colin Galbraith

Headcoach SST