Lothian Leagues round three 8th June

We were represented in the morning session by Aimee and Alena and both set good times for their 50 back (Aimee) and 100 IM (Alena). Aimee 50 Back 54.37 -200 Free 3.58.78 -Alena 100 IM 2.03.26-50 Breast 1.09.27
Aimee was tackling 200 free for the first time and this distance is a tough one however she kept going and it was valuable experience gained. Alena swam a decent 50 breastroke despite losing her cap half way down the first 25. It was me who helped her put the swim cap on so I am partly to blame. Her IM swim was excellent for a first go at this event .

Overall the strokes are really good however there is a lot of work to do on being race fit which will be addressed in training over the next few weeks.

The afternoon session was busy with twelve swimmers representing the club namely Natalia, Emma, Darcy, Katy, Tim, Willis, Hamish, Ruraidh, Lewis, Kara, Ruby, and Kaleigh. I shall go through the swimmers individually with the times posted.

Natalia 200 Im 2.45.26 -100 Fly 1.18.97

Natalia smashed her IM time due to a big difference in her breastroke although still work to be done on this stroke. She hit her personal best on fly which was a very good swim. Most pleasing was her two relay splits hitting 29 secs for a fifty which is not hanging about to say the least.

Emma 100 back 1.29.23-100 breast 1.45.81

Emma hit two personal bests and despite hating breastroke the stroke was by far improved from the last time she swam this event. Still working on her not taking two many strokes on the second half of her back swims. As per usual a flying machine in the relay team.

Darcy 200 free 2.48.48 The purpose of this swim was to blast out the first hundred and see what split she could achieve and she clocked 1.16 on this which all bodes well for the next 100 free she enters into. Darcy gave it everything she had and deserves great credit for a tough swim on 200. She said she had nothing left in the tank after this swim Darcy swam a 34 counting swim in first leg of the relay.

Katy 200 IM 3.00.13 100 Back 1.21.83 Katy at last proved to herself she is a great swimmer posting good times on both her swims and not drilling the fly her split for fly on theIM was 34 secs. She also provided a very fast 50 free in the two relays at the end of this meet. So pleased for her as she is a graceful swimmer and is now believing in herself which we have been trying to install in her for a long time

Tim 200 free 2.43.23 -100 Back 1.23.43 Tim swam two good swims although he found the 200 free tough but it’s his turns which need a bit of work. He was a valuable member of the mixed relay posting a fast 32 secs for his 50 . Time always works hard and deserves the success he is having.

Willis 200 IM 3.04.25 Willis swam this event really well and no technical faults which was very pleasing. He also posted a fast time of 34 secs on his 50 free in the relay and is showing he has talent just needs to concentrate on the small improvements and it will help him post great times.

Hamish 100 breast 1.44.56 Hamish had to wait patiently for his swim and posted a creditable time on this stroke. Hamish timing on breastroke is very good and a bit more work on the underwater phase after the turns will smash his time I have no doubt. Hamish hopefully will get his 100 free swim in the future as this is his favourite stroke.

Ruaridh 100 Back 1.43.49 Ruaridh swam his backstroke very well and is a valuable member of the relay team. Each gala event he improves his times and is getting faster which is down to hard training which he is reaping the reward for. Well done Ruraidh..

Lewis 100 Breast 1.50.17 Lewis swam this extremely well and if he did not pause on each stroke on his front end would have smashed this time even further. Lewis also is a valuable member of the relay team and posted a fast time on his 50 free split. Well done Lewis.

Kara 200 IM 3.27.63- 100 Breast 1.50.19 Kara is probably the most improved swimmer in the team which is down to getting stuck into training.She is now able to come back the last part of her races speeding up and she has come a long way over the last six months. Delighted for her and she deserves all the credit for working so hard. She comes out the pool having given it everything and still smiles. Well done Kara.

RUBY 200 Free 3.04.58 -100 Back 1.37.38 Ruby was heading for a sub 3mins on her free however she miscounted and stopped after 6 lengths and then realized she had 50 to go . It’s such a shame as she was swimming the event really well. She then posted a good time on her 100 back. The most pleasing thing was her split in the relay where she posted 40 secs for the first time and this now counts as her 50 free time for future galas. That’s shifting fast and definitely heading in the right direction.

Kaleigh 100 fly 1.47.08 Kaleigh did try a 200 free but it was a big ask of her and she did the right thing by stopping. This young lady has guts though as she was in a gala for the very first time tackling the most difficult of swims the 100 fly posting a brilliant time for her first attempt. She has improved remarkably from when she first joined the club and all credit to her for sticking with it and showing what can be done if you start to believe in yourself .

Overall I was pleased with how we performed at this league event however there is still a lot of hard work to be done especially with aerobic conditioning moving forward to further events. I will be discussing the plans for this over the next few sessions.

Finally it’s been quite hectic behind the scenes and once things calm down the club records will be updated to take into account swims which have taken place.

Colin Galbraith Headcoach Scorpion Swim Team


Representing the club at this meet Natalia. Kara, Ruraidh, Hamish, and Darcy.



Natalia achieved three bronze medals with some outstanding swims. Absolutely gutted for her on the 100 free as she slipped off the blocks and still posted 1.06 just shows that this time will be smashed very soon. The torpedo start is her specialty so an error on this has a big effect. Well done Nats for all your swims

DARCY 100 BACK 1.27.91-100 FLY 1.41

It was obvious after her first swim Darcy was not well and despite wanting to continue with 50 free she was just too ill to do so. Not to worry Darcy will smash her pbs soon when fully recovered. Darcy never gives up but she was upset and the right decision taken to withdraw her from her remaining swims. Get well soon Darcy.

RURAIDH 100 BREAST 2.14 .69 .-100 FREE 1.36.48 PB-50 FREE 42.97 PB

He swam two massive personal bests and is getting stronger all the time. Two cracking swims and the breastroke just had the timing out but despite the time it’s definitely getting there. He always trains hard and is a delight to coach so keep the hard work going. Well done for superb freestyle swims and a great attitude.

HAMISH 100 FREE 1.22.60-PB 50 FREE 38.36 PB These two swims were massive decreases in his personal bests and at long last with a bit of concentration the swims are coming good. Despite problems at the start of the free with his goggles he kept his cool and smashed his times. I always knew he would come good it was only a matter of time. Well done hamish.

KARA 100 BACK 1.35.13 PB-50 FREE 39.53 PB-100 BREAST 1.53.69 PB-100 FREE 1.28.07 PB

As can be seen Kara had a magnificent day posting big PBs in all four of her swims. She is now becoming racing fit after digging deep in training to keep the speed and delaying the onset of lactic acid in her swims .It is with great pleasure to see a swimmer who puts the work in reaping the reward by way of personal bests, The smile after each swim says it all really so congratulations to her for a great overall improvement.

There is still much to improve upon but we are sailing in the right direction that is for sure. The hard work in training is essential to compete at this level and the feeling of being a part of a very special team is there for all to see. I was very proud of each and every swim. The attitude is summed up by Darcy wanting to continue competing despite being ill and Natalia getting three bronze medals and still being angry of that slip off the blocks which would have broken the 1.06 for sure.

That’s all for just now but a big thanks to all who took part and performed to a very high standard. Keep up the hard training you know it makes sense.

Finally big thanks to Susan for arranging the scorpion t shirts that look amazing.

Colin Galbraith Headcoach Scorpion Swim Team.