Lessons to be learned from Aquanauts meet

I have always said that coaching swimmers is a very difficult task as there are so many different aspects which have to be dealt with. This can range from a swimmer being frightened of tackling swims not within their comfort zone (ie not on their favourite stroke) to making an error of judgment in the water,  even extending to not breaking through on their personal bests for some considerable time. On top of all this there are very strict rules on what determines whether or not a swimmer is disqualified or not and swimmers need to take this on board if spoken to by any referee or technical official about an infringement of the rule for the stroke. We were fortunate in a few cases that this Meet was a Level 3 license where fewer disqualifications were made than would have been at a level 2.  However any issues on this subject will be addressed in training. I would however say that all of the issues raised at this Meet by officials have already been pointed out to you all in training. So please listen and take on board what you are taught by myself and Susan in order to avoid being disqualified in other meets.

Despite all the trials and tribulations most (but not all) swimmers come through the other side despite having gone through weeks/ months of striving to get to where they want to be. There is no Harry Potter magic wand but there are a few spells which can help

1 Listen to what you are taught in training
2 Tackle swims that you know are going to be difficult
3 Learn from mistakes made in the water
4 Don’t add too much pressure to yourself as you will slip water by trying too hard it’s power and technique you need.

I had a lot of admiration for all the younger swimmers tackling 100 metre swims at this Meet and we even had Darcey swimming a very creditable time for a 200 IM at her age that is some achievement.

I think in a previous report mention was made of a recurring nightmare I have on a swimmer coming to a gala and missing their swim. At this Meet there was nearly an example of this which was averted due to quick thinking and sorting out by myself and Susan. Please listen and pay attention at the marshaling area for your name to be called. I cannot think of anything worse than parents having travelled a fair distance to watch their son or daughter swim only to see nobody appear on the starting block. I know if it was me as a parent and that happened I would be extremely angry and upset.

Finishing on a more positive note we are a force to be reckoned with as several other coaches from other clubs have commented on how well our swimmers are performing and how all our swimmers are desperate to give 100 per cent.

Well done to all and it’s back to hard training Monday lol